

T-Source and T-Skill are the two product lines under our job portal

Verified Risk Management

T-Source is about provisioning of verified and suitably trained Risk Management Professionals from the corporate experience globally, defense forces, policing, and intelligence as sought by the employer.

Subscription based

The subscription-based services are labelled under various plans viz unverified, police verified, and background verified (BGV) candidates.


A dedicated method of recruitment has been provided by us for our clients is of the recruiter aided services. Under this head we source, screen, schedule, conduct interviews, and process all prospective candidates as per the client’s requirement.This service would be operated offline, for any details, please reach out to

About Us

Who we are and what makes us a definitive risk management & security job platform

Getjobsandskills is a first ever Resource and Skill Provisioning platform to address the recruitment and upskilling needs of the Risk Management Professionals on one hand and for heeding to the background due diligence requirements of the client on the other, thus providing them with verified, talented, and reliable workforce.

We help candidates to identify job positions with a skills shortage in their area of specialisation, help optimise the resumes, groom them in terms of knowledge and soft skills.

As a candidate, you do not have to pay for hosting your profile on the job portal. This will ensure that the employers know about your professional achievements and your aspirations. If these match with their requirement they will contact, through the platform at no cost to you.

Employers can reach Security and Risk Management professionals with just the right skills and experience they are seeking for. Getjobsandskills takes pride in its expertise that has helped us remain a favourite amongst the clients as we practice globally accredited standards, possess experienced leadership, mechanisms, exhaustive proprietary databases, and networks.


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Who we are and what makes us a definitive risk management & security job platform

  • Provisioning of Verified Risk Management Professionals.
  • Subscription Based Recruitment services.
  • Dedicated Recruitment services.
  • Exclusive Applicant Tracking System friendly and modern resume building services by our experts at all levels of employment.
  • Our training products include Internship, Mock Interview and Certification related to the various fields of Security Risk Management.
  • The above are few important products of the Getjobsandskills Job portal.