Corporate Connect, Join Indian Army as Short Service Officers - Getjobsandskills


Corporate Connect, Join Indian Army as Short Service Officers

Author: The author, Lieutenant Col Amit Sharma, SM, is a President-awarded veteran working in operational logistics, facility management, corporate affairs, and physical & corporate security functions, as well as technical convergence. He provides strategic advisory and solutions at all levels of management functions in a consulting role. Lieutenant Col Amit Sharma is available for designing and implementing anti-fraud strategies. 

Executive Summary

The Indian Army(IA) is renowned for its disciplined and professional force that safeguards the nation’s security. Within its ranks, Short Service (SS) Officers play a crucial role, contributing their skills and expertise to the defense forces. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the SS Officers in the Indian Army, exploring their recruitment process, training, roles, and impact on the overall functioning of the military.

Can corporate India contribute to raising the cadre?

The Historical Perspective 

In 1962, following the Sino-Indian War, India recognized the imperative to augment the number of officers for efficient military operations. To address this need, two Officers Training Schools (OTS) were established in Pune and Madras (now known as Chennai) to train officers for Emergency Commission into the Army. The initiation of these schools began in September 1962, with the Chennai school being inaugurated on January 15, 1963, by Brigadier Ram Singh as its first Commandant. Unfortunately, the Pune school had a brief existence, closing its doors in 1964. However, the Chennai school persevered, and on February 2, 1965, it received approval to shift its focus to train officers for the SS Commission.

The historical context of the introduction of SS Officers into the IA for 5 years reflects a strategic approach to meet evolving military needs, attract diverse talent, and manage manpower effectively. The SS Commission has remained integral to the IA’s personnel management strategy, enhancing the overall strength and adaptability of the armed forces. The concept was implemented to address specific manpower requirements, overcome challenges, and cater to the changing needs of the military. The SS Commission was introduced to attract skilled professionals and individuals with diverse expertise to serve in the armed forces on a temporary basis. This innovative approach provided the military with a flexible manpower management system, enabling it to leverage the skills of talented individuals who might not commit to a long-term military career but could contribute for a limited duration.

Recognizing the need for officers with specialized skills in fields such as medicine, law, engineering, and logistics, the SS Commission allowed the military to induct professionals for specific roles during a defined period, thereby enhancing the overall capability of the armed forces. Over the years, as security dynamics in the region evolved, the military needed to become more agile and adaptive.

SS Officers brought fresh perspectives, innovation, and a rapid turnover of talent, enabling the armed forces to stay responsive to emerging challenges.

In recent decades, the IA has taken steps to increase gender exclusivity, with women first being inducted into the SS Commission (SSC) entry scheme in 1992. The SS Commission has served as a platform for women to join various branches of the army, contributing to ongoing efforts to promote gender diversity within the armed forces. It provides professionals, including doctors, lawyers, and engineers, with an opportunity to experience military service without committing to a lifelong career, proving to be an attractive option for those seeking a short-term stint in the armed forces. 


The above study is drawn from the following sources:

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SS Officers are selected through a rigorous recruitment process that evaluates Graduates based on their educational qualifications, physical fitness, leadership qualities, and aptitude for military service. The recruitment process typically involves written exams, interviews, and medical examinations to ensure that only the best candidates are selected for training.


Once selected, SS Officers undergo 49 weeks intensive training at military academies such as the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai. The training is designed to instill discipline, leadership skills, and a deep understanding of military tactics (Serve with Honour). SS Officers receive specialized training in their chosen fields, including infantry, artillery, logistics, and other branches, preparing them for the diverse challenges they may face during their service.

SS Officers serve for a limited duration, typically 10 to 14 years (earlier 5 years), providing the IA with a pool of skilled professionals who contribute to various branches and combat arms.

Advantages of SS Officers

SS Officers often bring diverse educational and professional backgrounds to the military, enriching the organization with a variety of skills and expertise. The SS commitment allows individuals to serve in the military without committing to a lifelong career. This flexibility attracts individuals seeking a limited-term military experience. Due to the limited duration of SS officer’s service, permanent commission officers from Indian Military Academy experience faster career progressions, with opportunities for leadership roles within a comparative shorter time-frame. Their roles are diverse, ranging from combat and leadership positions to staff and administrative roles. SS Officers often bring fresh perspectives and cutting edge to the military, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the force.

Success Stories 

More than 260 officers have been killed in action. Decorations at OTA Chennai includes an impressive tally of gallantry award including 1 Param Vir Chakra, 8 Ashoka Chakra, 10 Maha Vir Chakra, 22 Kirti Chakra, 63 Vir Chakra, 119 Shaurya Chakra and 587 Sena Medal beside many awards related to devotion to duty, highlighting the contribution of SS officers to maintain Indian’s sovereignty. The contributions of SS Officers extend beyond specific wars, encompassing a wide range of military operations and activities aimed at ensuring the nation’s security and well-being. The dynamic nature of their service allows them to adapt to diverse challenges, contributing to the overall strength and adaptability of the IA. Some of the major conflicts in which SS Officers have been actively involved include Indo-Pak Wars, Sino-Indian War, Kargil Battle (1999), Siachen Conflict, Counter-Insurgency Operations, in United Nations peacekeeping missions, representing India and contributing to global efforts in conflict resolution and maintaining peace and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Operations, showcasing their versatility beyond conventional warfare.


Retaining skilled SS Officers can be challenging, as many choose to pursue alternative career paths after completing their tenure, leading to a loss of experienced personnel.


SS Officers play a vital role in the IA, offering a dynamic and skilled workforce that enhances the overall capabilities of the military. While their temporary commitment provides flexibility, efforts must be made to address retention challenges and facilitate a smooth integration process. A continued focus on recruitment, training, and support mechanisms will ensure that the IA benefits from the valuable contributions of SS Officers in safeguarding the nation’s security.


By addressing the following recommendations, the IA can continue to benefit from the valuable contributions of SS Officers while addressing challenges and ensuring a robust and adaptable defense force.

  1. Enhance Recruitment Strategies-To meet officer’s shortfall, explore innovative ways to attract a diverse pool of candidates, including outreach programs, partnerships with educational institutions, and leveraging social media. Continuous refinement of the recruitment process to ensure it aligns with the evolving needs of the military.
  2. Address Retention Challenges-Develop strategies to improve the retention of fully trained SS Officers, considering incentives such as equal career progression opportunities, post-service benefits, and mentorship programs. Conduct exit interviews to understand the reasons behind individuals opting for alternative career paths and use the feedback to make improvements.
  3. Expand Skill Diversity-Continuously assess and update the eligibility criteria to attract candidates with diverse educational and professional backgrounds. Explore avenues for collaboration with civilian industries to tap into specialized skills that align with the evolving needs of the military. Allow  for an industry entry scheme into Research and Development viz. metallurgy, ballistics, electronics, propulsion, mechanics and civil.
  4. Monitor and Evaluate Success Stories-Regularly assess and showcase success stories of SS Officers to inspire and motivate potential candidates. Use success stories as a tool for recruitment and to highlight the positive impact SS Officers can have on the military.
  5. Strategic Communication-Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to highlight the importance of SS Officers in the overall defense strategy. Communicate the benefits of the SS Commission to both potential candidates and the general public to garner support.
  6. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation-Regularly assess the effectiveness of the SS Commission entry scheme and be willing to adapt policies and practices based on the evolving needs of the military.

Thus, the SS Officers entry scheme in the IA has been successful in meeting diverse manpower needs, enhancing expertise, and promoting inclusivity. The scheme’s strategic flexibility attracts skilled professionals, contributing fresh perspectives and specialized skills to the armed forces for limited duration. Despite its success in fostering gender diversity, adaptability to emerging challenges, and providing a short-term military experience, challenges like retention persist.

The battle-hardened expertise of SS Officers establishes them as invaluable assets in the domains of operational planning, leadership, and decision-making. Upon seamless integration into the policing realm, SS Officers bring with them a disciplined approach, refined leadership skills, and crisis management acumen honed through their military experiences. Their profound understanding of security dynamics and strategic thinking serves as a catalyst for refining law enforcement strategies, particularly in high-stakes situations. Moreover, SS Officers may play a pivotal role in enhancing training programs for police personnel, imparting tactical wisdom, and cultivating a culture of professionalism.

These pioneer Agniveers are in high demand in the industrial sector, leveraging diverse backgrounds in engineering, logistics, and administration. Their contributions are characterized by efficiency, organizational prowess, and a results-oriented mindset. Drawing on a wealth of experience in adapting to dynamic and challenging environments, these professionals emerge as indispensable assets for managing intricate industrial operations, responding to crises, and meticulously planning logistics.

Initiating collaborative ventures between the military and these sectors holds the potential to facilitate seamless knowledge transfer, nurture leadership development, and apply proven military methodologies.

This synergy will ultimately enhances overall effectiveness, not only in policing but also in the intricate landscape of industrial settings.

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