Privacy Policy - Getjobsandskills

Privacy Policy


This “Privacy Policy” applies to the Job Portal controlled by GETJOBSANDSKILLS (“We”, “Our”, “Us”) where the Privacy Policy is posted. The Privacy Policy covers the practices for handling and securing your personal information by GETJOBSANDSKILLS. This Privacy Policy is applicable to people who purchase any product or services from GETJOBSANDSKILLS through any sales channel of GETJOBSANDSKILLS (like Job Portal, mobile site, mobile app & offline channels). This Privacy Policy also applies to persons who visit the GETJOBSANDSKILLS offices or sales channels.

As a user or customer of GETJOBSANDSKILLS, the person agrees with this Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions mentioned herein.

This Privacy Policy governs the way we collect, use, maintain and disclose information collected from users (each, a “User”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by us.

Who We Are?

Risk consulting company providing services in domains of risk advisory, intelligence management and other strategic/operational consulting.

What Information Do We Collect?

Our Job Portal typically collect two (2) kinds of information about you: (a) information that you provide that personally identifies you; and (b) information that does not personally identify you that we automatically collect when you visit our Job Portal or that you provide us.

Personally Identifiable Information: Our definition of personally identifiable information includes all information that can be linked to a specific individual or to identify any individual, such as name, address, mailing address, telephone number, email address any and all details that may be necessary from the customer. As a general policy, we do not automatically collect your personally identifiable information when you visit our Job Portal. In certain circumstances, we may request, allow, or otherwise provide you an opportunity to submit your personally identifiable information in connection with a feature, program, promotion or some other aspect of our Job Portal.

Non-Personal Information: Our definition of non-personal information is any information that does not personally identify you. Non-personal information can include certain personally identifiable information that has been de-identified; that is, information that has been rendered anonymous.

We obtain non-personal information about you from information that you provide us, either separately or together with your personally identifiable information. We also automatically collect certain non-personal information from you when you access our Job Portal. For instance, we may collect information regarding the domain and host from which you access the internet, the internet protocol address of the computer or internet service provider you are using, anonymous statistical data. The Job Portal and mobile site uses cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. Personal Information will not be collected via cookies and other tracking technology; however, if you previously provided personally identifiable information, cookies may be tied to such information.

When browsing our Job Portal, you are not required to provide any Personal Information unless and until you sign up for one of our e-mail newsletters or other services as described below.

Member Registration If you choose to become a registered member of Job Portal, you must provide your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, a unique login name, password, and password validation, and a password hint to help you remember your password. This information is collected on the registration form for several reasons including but not limited to:

  1. Personal identification.
  2. To allow us to contact you for customer service purposes, if necessary.
  3. To customize the content of our Job Portal, mobile site and mobile app to strive to meet your specific needs.
  4. To make product or other improvements.

Automatic Logging of Session Data: We automatically log generic information about your device’s connection to the Internet, which we call “session data”, that is anonymous and not linked to any Personal Information. Session data consists of things such as IP address, operating system and type of browser software being used, and the activities conducted by the user while on the device. An IP address is a number that lets devices attached to the internet, such as our web servers, know where to send data back to the user, such as the pages of the Job Portal the user wishes to view. We collect session data because it helps us analyse such things as what items visitors are likely to click on most, the way visitors are clicking through the Job Portal/ mobile site/ mobile app, how many visitors are surfing to various pages on the Job Portal/ mobile site/ mobile app, how long visitors are staying and how often they are visiting. It also helps us diagnose problems with our servers and lets us better administer our systems. Although such information does not identify any visitor personally, it is possible to determine from an IP address a visitor’s Internet Service Provider (ISP), and the approximate geographic location of his or her point of connectivity.

How Do We Use Personal Information?

Personally Identifiable Information: The personally identifiable information you submit to us is generally used to carry out your requests, respond to your inquiries, better serve you or in other ways naturally associated with the circumstances in which you provided the information. We may also use this information to later contact you for a variety of reasons, such as customer service, to provide you with information or services or process transactions that you have requested or agreed to receive, to provide you with marketing or promotional information for our products, to communicate with you about content or other information you have posted or shared with us via our Job Portal or with regard to your use of the Job Portal and, in our discretion, changes to the Job Portal and/or Job Portal policies, for internal business purposes, or for purposes disclosed at the time you provide your information or as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy. You may opt-out from receiving future promotional information from us.

In certain instances, we may also share your personally identifiable information with our third-party vendors performing functions on our behalf – e.g., vendors that analyse our data, assist us with customer service, etc. Our vendors agree to use this information, and we share information with them, only to carry out our requests.

Non-Personal Information: In addition to any personally identifiable information or other information that you choose to provide to us on the Job Portal, we and our third-party service providers may use a variety of technologies, now and hereafter devised, that automatically collect certain web site usage information whenever you visit or interact with the Job Portal. This information may include browser type, operating system, the page served, the time, the source of the request, the preceding page view, and other similar information. We may use this usage information for a variety of purposes, including to enhance or otherwise improve the Job Portal. In addition, we may also collect your IP address or some other unique identifier for the device you use to access the Internet, as applicable (collectively, referred to herein as a “Device Identifier”). A Device Identifier is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer, and we may identify your device by its Device Identifier. When analysed, usage information helps us determine how our Job Portal are used, such as what types of visitors arrive at the Job Portal, what type of content is most popular, what type of content you may find most relevant and what type of visitors are interested in particular kind of content and advertising. We may associate your Device Identifier or web site usage information with the personally identifiable information you provide, but we will treat the combined information as personally identifiable information. Web site usage information may be collected using various methods, such as the following:

Cookies: A cookie is a data file placed on a computer when it is used to visit the Job Portal. Cookies may be used for many purposes, including, without limitation, tracking user preferences and web pages visited while using the Job Portal.

Our use of cookies is like that of any other reputable online companies. No personally identifiable information (PII) about you (e.g., name, address, etc.) is gathered or stored in the cookies placed by a Job Portal or mobile site and, as a result, none can be passed on to any third parties. Cookies allow us to serve you better and more efficiently, and to personalize your experience at our Job Portal and mobile site.

As to the personalization of experience, these types of cookies allow you to log in without having to type your log – in name each time (only your password is needed); we may also use such cookies to display an advertisement to you while you are on the Job Portal or mobile site or to send you a ‘best day to buy email (or similar emails – assuming you have not opted out of receiving such emails) focusing on destinations in which we think you might be interested. None of this information is passed to any third party and is used solely by us to provide you with a better user experience on the Job Portal and mobile site.

A cookie may also be placed by our advertising server. Such cookies are used only for purposes of tracking the effectiveness of advertising served by us on our Job Portal and mobile site and no PII is gathered from you using these cookies, nor is this information shared with any third parties. Similarly, a cookie may be placed by our third – party advertising companies or advertisement providers or servers. The information they collect does not include your PII.

The third – party advertising companies or advertisement providers may also employ technology that is used to measure the effectiveness of ads. Any such information is anonymous. They may use this anonymous information about your visits to our Job Portal to provide advertisements about goods and services of potential interest to you. No PII is collected during this process. The information is anonymous and does not link online actions to an identifiable person.

Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies. Of course, by changing the options on your web browser or using certain software programs, you can control how and whether cookies will be accepted by your browser. We support your right to block any unwanted Internet activity, especially that of unscrupulous Job Portal. However, blocking IRIIS cookies may disable certain features on the Job Portal and mobile site, and may make it impossible to purchase or use certain services available on the Job Portal and mobile site. Please note that it is possible to block cookie activity from certain Job Portal while permitting cookies from Job Portal you trust.

Mobile Device Identifiers: Certain mobile service providers uniquely identify mobile devices and we or our third-party service providers may receive such device information if you access the Job Portal through mobile devices. Certain features of our Job Portal may require collection of mobile phone numbers, and we may associate that phone number to mobile device identification information. Additionally, some mobile phone service providers operate systems that pinpoint the physical location of devices that use their service. Depending on the provider, we or our third-party service providers may receive this information.

Embedded Scripts: An embedded script is programming code that is designed to collect information about your interactions with the Job Portal, such as the links you click on. The code is temporarily downloaded onto your computer from our web server or a third-party service provider, is active only while you are connected to the Job Portal and is deactivated or deleted thereafter.

We use non-personal information in a variety of ways, including to help analyse site traffic, understand customer needs and trends, carry out targeted promotional activities and to improve our services. We may use your non-personal information by itself or aggregate it with information we have obtained from others

Other Uses

E-mail Communications: If you send us an e-mail with questions or comments, we may use your personally identifiable information to respond to your questions or comments, and we may save your questions or comments for future reference. For security reasons, we do not recommend that you send non-public personally identifiable information, such as passwords, social security numbers or bank account information, to us by e-mail. Further, we may send you e-mail under the following circumstances: (a) if you request a particular service or sign up for a feature that involves e-mail communications; (b) if we are sending you information about our other products and services; (c) if you consented to being contacted by e-mail for a particular purpose; (d) if you send us an e-mail, post information on the Job Portal (i.e., a blog) or otherwise submit information to us electronically, we may e-mail you to follow-up or otherwise communicate with you with respect thereto; (e) to provide you legal notices or notices with respect to your use of the Job Portal; or (f) to otherwise facilitate a transaction between us. In certain instances, we may provide you with tools on the Job Portal that will allow you to set your preferences for receiving e-mail communications from us; that is, agree to some communications but not others. You may “opt out” of receiving future commercial e-mail communications from us by clicking the “unsubscribe” link or following the other instructions included at the bottom of most e-mails we send.

What Legal Basis Do We Have for Processing Your Personal Data?

Consent of user is must for processing his or her personal data. The user has right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Where Do We Store and Process Personal Data? 

We store data provided by user on our internal database.

When Can Personal Data Be Disclosed?

We do not sell or rent individual customer names or other Personal Information to third parties. We may disclose the member information if required to do so by law, court order, as requested by other government or law enforcement authority, or in the good faith belief that disclosure is otherwise necessary or advisable including, without limitation, to protect our rights or properties or any or all of its affiliates, associates, employees, directors or officers or when we have reason to believe that disclosing the information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing interference with our rights or properties, whether intentionally or otherwise, or when anyone else could be harmed by such activities. In addition, if GETJOBSANDSKILLS or substantially all of its assets are acquired, our customer information will most likely also be transferred in connection with such.

Public Forums 

We may offer chat rooms, message boards, bulletin boards or similar public forums where you and other users of our Job Portal can communicate. The protections described in this Privacy Policy do not apply when you provide information (including personally identifiable information) in connection with your use of these public forums. We may use personally identifiable and non-personal information about you to identify you with a posting in a public forum. Any information you share in a public forum is public information and may be seen or collected by anyone, including third parties that do not adhere to our Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for events arising from the distribution of any information you choose to publicly post or share through our Job Portal.


The features, programs, promotions and other aspects of our Job Portal requiring personally identifiable information are not intended for children. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen (13). If you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of thirteen (13) and believe he or she has disclosed personally identifiable information to us, please contact us at A parent or guardian of a child under the age of thirteen (13) may review and request deletion of such child’s personally identifiable information as well as prohibit the use thereof.

Keeping Your Information Secure

We have implemented security measures we consider reasonable and appropriate to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Please be advised, however, that while we strive to protect your personally identifiable information and privacy, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and are not responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of your personally identifiable information. In the unfortunate event that your “personally identifiable information” (as the term or similar terms are defined by any applicable law requiring notice upon a security breach) is compromised, we may notify you by e-mail (at our sole and absolute discretion) to the last e-mail address you have provided us in the most expedient time reasonable under the circumstances; provided, however, delays in notification may occur while we take necessary measures to determine the scope of the breach and restore reasonable integrity to the system as well as for the legitimate needs of law enforcement if notification would impede a criminal investigation. From time to time, we evaluate new technology for protecting information, and when appropriate, we upgrade our information security systems.

Contact & Opt-Out Information 

The Job Portal may include subscription and registration management tools that allow you to make changes regarding your preferences for receiving communications. Regardless of whether these tools are available through the Job Portal, you may contact us as at  if: (a) you have questions or comments about our Privacy Policy; (b) wish to make corrections to any personally identifiable information you have provided to us; (c) want to opt-out from receiving future commercial correspondence, including e-mails, from us (we may continue to send you transactional messages such as responding to your inquiries). We will respond to your request and, if applicable and appropriate, make the requested change in our active databases as soon as reasonably practicable. Please, note that we may not be able to fulfil certain requests while allowing you access to certain benefits and features of our Job Portal. Also, please note that it is not always possible to completely change, remove or delete all of your information from our databases and that residual data may remain on backup media or for other reasons. Also, if you have made any public postings on the Job Portal such as in forums or blogs, these communications are generally not removed by us.