AI, ML, Biometric Authentication, Analytics & IoT in Physical Security - Getjobsandskills


AI, ML, Biometric Authentication, Analytics & IoT in Physical Security

Author: The author, Lieutenant Col Amit Sharma, SM, is a President-awarded veteran working in operational logistics, facility management, corporate affairs, and physical & corporate security functions, as well as technical convergence. He provides strategic advisory and solutions at all levels of management functions in a consulting role. Lieutenant Col Amit Sharma is available for designing and implementing anti-fraud strategies.


This blog provides an overview of how Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Biometric Authentication, Advanced Video Analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) are being used in physical security. AI and ML can be used to analyse data from various sensors, cameras, and other devices to detect and respond to potential threats, while biometric authentication uses unique biological characteristics to verify a person’s identity. Advanced video analytics involves using machine learning algorithms to analyse video footage in real-time and identify specific objects, people, and vehicles within the footage. IoT sensors are used to monitor equipment, detect anomalies, and alert security personnel in real-time.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are used in physical security to analyse data from various sensors, cameras, and other devices. These technologies can identify patterns and anomalies in real-time, allowing security personnel to respond quickly to potential threats. The data collected can also be used to improve security measures, such as adjusting camera placement or changing access control procedures. Here are some companies that offer AI and ML-based physical security solutions:

  • Avigilon’s AI-powered video surveillance systems can detect and classify objects, people, and vehicles in real-time. The technology can identify suspicious behaviour, such as loitering, and send alerts to security personnel.
  • AnyVision’s facial recognition technology can be used for access control, identity verification, and threat detection. The company’s solutions are used in airports, stadiums, and other high-security environments.
  • Johnson Controls offers a range of physical security solutions, including access control systems, video surveillance, and intrusion detection.
  • Genetec’s Security Center platform integrates video surveillance, access control, and other security systems.
  • Hikvision’s video surveillance systems use AI and ML to analyse video footage in real-time. The technology can detect suspicious behaviour and send alerts to security personnel.

Biometric Authentication involves using unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial features, or iris patterns, to verify a person’s identity. This technology is increasingly being used in industries such as banking, healthcare, and government to enhance security. Facial recognition technology is used to verify a person’s identity by analysing their facial features. It works by capturing an image of a person’s face and comparing it to a database of known faces. Fingerprint scanning, on the other hand, involves capturing an image of a person’s fingerprint and comparing it to a database of known fingerprints. Here are biometric authentication solutions along with their product specifications:

  • Amazon Rekognition is a cloud-based service that provides image and video analysis. It can recognize faces, objects, and scenes, and detect inappropriate content. It also provides facial analysis and facial recognition.
  • Azure Face API is a cloud-based service that provides facial recognition and analysis. It can detect emotions, age, gender, and facial hair. It can also identify similar faces and verify faces against a known database.
  • Apple Touch ID is a fingerprint scanner used in Apple devices, while Face ID uses facial recognition technology. Both can be used to unlock devices, authenticate payments, and access sensitive information.
  • Google Cloud Vision API is a cloud-based service that provides image analysis and recognition. It can identify objects, text, and faces. It can also detect explicit content and landmarks.
  • NeoFace is a facial recognition technology that uses deep learning algorithms to recognize faces with high accuracy. It can also recognize faces from low-quality images and in challenging lighting conditions.

Advanced Video Analytics for physical security involves using machine learning algorithms to analyse video footage in real-time and identify specific objects, people, and vehicles within the footage. These analytics can be used to detect anomalies or suspicious behaviour that may indicate security threat and alert security personnel in real-time. The process usually involves a combination of hardware, such as high-quality cameras and sensors, and software, such as computer vision algorithms and machine learning models. The cameras capture footage, which is then processed by the software to detect and track objects, people, and vehicles in real-time. Here are some that offer advanced video analytics solutions for physical security:

  • Axis Communications offer a wide range of intelligent video solutions, including facial recognition, license plate recognition, and people counting. Their products are designed to work seamlessly with their network cameras and can be easily integrated into existing security systems.
  • BriefCam offer a video analytics platform that uses machine learning algorithms to analyse substantial amounts of video footage and identify specific objects, people, and vehicles within the footage. Their platform can be used for a range of applications, including security, traffic analysis, and retail analytics.
  • Avigilon offer a range of high-definition cameras and video analytics software that can be used for a range of security applications, including facial recognition, license plate recognition, and people counting. Their products are designed to work seamlessly with their video management software, which provides a centralized platform for managing and analysing video footage.
  • Hikvision offer a range of video surveillance solutions, including advanced video analytics software that can be used to detect and track objects, people, and vehicles in real-time. Their products are designed to work seamlessly with their network cameras and can be easily integrated into existing security systems.
  • Cisco Meraki offer a cloud-based video surveillance solution that includes advanced analytics features, such as motion detection and object tracking. Their platform is designed to be easy to deploy and manage, making it an ideal solution for small to medium-sized businesses.

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors are being increasingly used to enhance safety and monitor equipment, detect anomalies, and alert security personnel in real-time. By deploying IoT sensors, companies can gain deeper insights into their operations, reduce the risk of equipment failure, and ensure a safer working environment. Here are that offer IoT-based security solutions along with their product specifications:

  • Bosch offers a range of IoT-based physical security solutions, including intrusion detection, video surveillance, and access control. Their sensors can detect motion, temperature changes, and other anomalies, and can trigger alarms or alerts. Bosch’s IoT sensors also have the capability to integrate with other security systems for enhanced safety and security.
  • Honeywell offers a range of IoT-based sensors that can monitor temperature, humidity, motion, and other parameters. These sensors can be used for equipment monitoring, intrusion detection, and asset tracking. Honeywell’s IoT sensors are also designed to integrate with other security systems for seamless operation.
  • Johnson Controls offers a range of IoT-based sensors for physical security, including video surveillance, intrusion detection, and access control. These sensors can detect motion, temperature changes, and other anomalies, and can trigger alarms or alerts. Johnson Controls’ IoT sensors can also be integrated with other security systems for enhanced safety and security.
  • Axis Communications offers a range of IoT-based physical security solutions, including video surveillance and access control. Their sensors can detect motion, temperature changes, and other anomalies, and can trigger alarms or alerts. Axis Communications’ IoT sensors are also designed to integrate with other security systems for seamless operation.
  • Tyco Security Products offers a range of IoT-based sensors for physical security, including video surveillance, access control, and intrusion detection. Their sensors can detect motion, temperature changes, and other anomalies, and can trigger alarms or alerts. Tyco’s IoT sensors are also designed to integrate with other security systems for enhanced safety and security.

Blockchain technology can enhance physical security in many ways. One of the most significant advantages is that it provides a secure and immutable record of events that cannot be tampered with, making it useful in industries where maintaining a secure record of events is critical. For example, using blockchain technology, companies can create tamper-proof records of who accessed a sensitive area, when they accessed it, and for how long. This data can be used to verify that the correct people had access to the area and at the correct times, providing an additional layer of security. Some companies that offer blockchain-based physical security solutions include:

  • Ambrosus offers a blockchain-based solution for supply chain tracking that can be used to track sensitive materials, such as pharmaceuticals and chemicals, to ensure their safe transport and delivery. The platform can also be used to track the condition and location of these materials to prevent theft or tampering.
  • Chainvine provides a platform that allows companies to track the movement of assets, such as vehicles and high-value equipment, across multiple locations. The platform uses a combination of blockchain technology and IoT devices to provide real-time tracking and secure data storage.
  • Guardtime offers platform that can be used to secure data and systems against cyber threats. The platform uses a combination of blockchain technology and keyless signatures to provide a secure and tamper-proof record of events and transactions.
  • Securiport provides a platform that can be used to manage and secure border crossings and other sensitive areas. The platform uses a combination of biometric data and blockchain technology to create a tamper-proof record of who enters and exits a given area.
  • Vechain offers a blockchain-based platform that can be used to track and verify the authenticity of high-value goods, such as luxury goods and fine art. The platform uses a combination of blockchain technology and IoT devices to provide real-time tracking and secure data storage.

Good lighting is a crucial factor in ensuring the effectiveness of physical security solutions and there are several technologies that can provide exceptional results in dim light conditions or when the light is absent. Here are some examples:

  • Infrared Cameras can capture images in low-light or even no-light conditions by using infrared light to illuminate the area. Infrared cameras are commonly used in areas where ambient lighting is low or non-existent.
  • Thermal Imaging cameras detect the heat emitted by objects and create images based on the temperature differences. Thermal imaging cameras can be used in complete darkness or low-light conditions, making them ideal for surveillance in areas without lighting.
  • Low-Light cameras are designed to capture clear images in low-light conditions. They use advanced image processing techniques to enhance the quality of the images captured in low-light environments.
  • Image Intensifiers amplify the available light to produce clearer and brighter images. Image intensifiers are commonly used in night-vision goggles and other specialized applications.
  • Motion Detection sensors can detect motion in low-light or no-light conditions and trigger alarms or other security measures. Motion detection sensors can be used to detect intruders or other unauthorized activity in areas with little or no lighting.

FLIR Systems, Axis Communications, Hikvision, Dahua Technology, Bosch Security Systems, and Honeywell are all reputable manufacturers of infrared camera systems for surveillance purposes. In terms of their best surveillance distance capabilities, the range and resolution can vary depending on the specific model and configuration of the camera. However, here is a general comparison based on the capabilities of each brand:

  • FLIR Systems is a well-known brand in the field of thermal imaging technology. Their infrared camera systems are extremely sensitive and can detect temperature differences as small as 0.02 degrees Celsius. The range of their cameras can vary, but they can typically detect human-sized targets at up to two kilometres (1.2 miles) or more.
  • Axis Communications is known for producing high-quality IP cameras for surveillance purposes. Their infrared cameras can have a range of up to one hundred meters (328 feet) and can provide high-resolution images even in low-light conditions.
  • Dahua Technology is another major manufacturer of video surveillance equipment. Their infrared cameras can have a range of up to two hundred meters (656 feet) and can provide high-resolution images in low-light conditions.
  • Bosch Security Systems produces a wide range of security products, including infrared cameras. Their infrared cameras can have a range of up to two hundred meters (656 feet) and can provide high-quality images even in complete darkness.
  • Honeywell infrared cameras can have a range of up to one hundred meters (328 feet) and can provide high-resolution images even in low-light conditions.

In thermal imaging,

  • FLIR Systems is a leading brand, and they offer a wide range of thermal cameras with different ranges and resolutions. Their high-end cameras, such as the FLIR A655sc and the FLIR T1020, have a maximum temperature range of up to 3,000 degrees Celsius and a resolution of up to 1024 x 768 pixels. These cameras can detect targets at distances of up to several kilometres.
  • Axis Communications also offers thermal cameras with a range of up to several kilometres. Their Q19 series cameras have a resolution of up to 640 x 480 pixels and can detect targets at distances of up to 1,800 meters.
  • Hikvision’s thermal cameras also have a range of up to several kilometres and can detect targets at distances of up to 2,500 meters. Their DS-2TD2617B-6PA cameras have a resolution of up to 640 x 512 pixels.
  • Dahua Technology’s thermal cameras can detect targets at distances of up to 3,000 meters and have a resolution of up to 640 x 512 pixels. Their high-end cameras, such as the DH-TPC-BF5421-T and DH-TPC-BF5421P-T, have a temperature range of up to 1,800 degrees Celsius.
  • Bosch Security Systems offers thermal cameras with a range of up to several kilometres and a resolution of up to 640 x 480 pixels. Their high-end cameras, such as the Bosch VOT-320V009L and VOT-320V017L, have a temperature range of up to 2,000 degrees Celsius.
  • Honeywell’s thermal cameras have a range of up to several kilometres and can detect targets at distances of up to 2,500 meters. Their cameras have a resolution of up to 640 x 480 pixels, and their high-end cameras, such as the Honeywell HRC-Series, have a temperature range of up to 2,000 degrees Celsius.

The surveillance distance capabilities of a low light camera system depend on several factors, including the camera’s sensor technology, lens quality, and image processing capabilities. In terms of range, the surveillance distance of a low light camera system can vary widely depending on the specific product and environmental factors, such as the amount of ambient light and the presence of obstacles or obstructions. However, many low light camera systems are designed to capture images in low light conditions up to several hundred feet away, with some high-end models capable of capturing images up to several miles away. Most low light camera systems today offer high-definition (HD) or ultra-high-definition (UHD) resolution options, ranging from 720p to 4K. Higher resolution cameras can capture more details, allowing for more accurate identification of individuals or objects at greater distances. However, higher resolution cameras may also require more processing power and storage space to manage the increased data output.

The surveillance distance capabilities of an image intensifier camera system depend on several factors, including the quality of the image intensifier tube, the sensitivity of the sensor, the lens quality, and the overall design of the system. Some of the companies that offer image intensifiers include Harris Corporation, ITT Exelis, L3 Technologies, Photonis and Thales Group.

Bosch Security Systems offers a range of motion detection sensors, including passive infrared (PIR) sensors and microwave sensors. Their sensors typically have a detection range of up to fifteen meters and can cover a wide area with a detection angle of up to 360 degrees. Hikvision offers a range of motion detection sensors, including PIR sensors and video motion detection sensors. Their sensors typically have a detection range of up to twelve meters and can be configured with different sensitivity levels to minimize false alarms. Axis Communications offers a range of motion detection sensors, including PIR sensors, microwave sensors, and video motion detection sensors. Their sensors typically have a detection range of up to fifteen meters and can be configured to trigger alarms based on specific patterns or behaviours. Dahua Technology offers a range of motion detection sensors, including PIR sensors and video motion detection sensors. Their sensors typically have a detection range of up to twelve meters and can be configured to detect specific types of motion, such as people or vehicles. Honeywell offers a range of motion detection sensors, including PIR sensors and microwave sensors. Their sensors typically have a detection range of up to fifteen meters and can be configured to detect specific patterns of motion, such as walking or running. FLIR Systems offers a range of motion detection sensors, including thermal imaging sensors and video motion detection sensors. Their sensors typically have a detection range of up to several hundred meters and can be used in a variety of environments, including low light or harsh weather conditions.


In today’s environment, physical security is of utmost importance to prevent unauthorized access, theft, vandalism, and other security breaches. With the advancements in technology, several physical security solutions have emerged that can enhance the security of an installation.

AI and ML-based physical security solutions can improve physical security by automating the detection of security breaches, such as unauthorized access and suspicious behaviour. These solutions can analyse substantial amounts of data in real-time, identify patterns, and generate alerts to security personnel. Examples of AI and ML-based physical security solutions include facial recognition and behaviour detection. Facial recognition can identify individuals by comparing their facial features with a database of known individuals. Behaviour detection can identify suspicious behaviour, such as loitering or tailgating, by analysing video footage. However, AI and ML-based solutions have limitations and challenges. These solutions require enormous amounts of data to train the algorithms, which can be difficult to obtain in some cases. Additionally, these solutions can be prone to biases and errors, especially when dealing with diverse populations.

Biometric authentication can enhance physical security by providing a secure and reliable method for verifying the identity of individuals. Biometric authentication methods include fingerprint scanning, retina scanning, and facial recognition. These methods are difficult to forge, making them more secure than traditional authentication methods, such as passwords and PINs. The advantage is that biometric authentication is more convenient for users, as they do not have to remember passwords or carry physical tokens. However, biometric authentication can be expensive to implement, and there are concerns about privacy and data protection.

Advanced video analytics can enhance physical security by analysing video footage in real-time and identifying security breaches, such as object tracking and anomaly detection. Object tracking can track the movement of objects, such as vehicles or individuals, and generate alerts to security personnel if they enter a restricted area. Anomaly detection can identify unusual behaviour or events, such as a person falling or leaving a package unattended. However, advanced video analytics also has limitations and challenges. These solutions require high-quality video footage, which can be difficult to obtain in some cases. Additionally, advanced video analytics can generate false positives, which can lead to alert fatigue and reduce the effectiveness of the solution.

IoT-based physical security solutions have improved physical security by connecting physical security devices, such as cameras and locks, to the internet. This allows for remote monitoring and control of these devices, which can improve the responsiveness of security personnel. However, IoT-based solutions also have limitations and challenges. These solutions require a reliable internet connection, which may not be available in some areas. Additionally, IoT-based solutions can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can compromise the security of the installation.

It is important to note that physical security solutions have limitations, and there is always a risk of new threats and vulnerabilities emerging. To maximize the effectiveness of these solutions, it is important to keep them updated and maintained regularly. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that these solutions are integrated with other security measures and policies, such as regular security training for personnel and physical security measures like access control and alarm systems. Regular audits and assessments of the security system can also help identify and address any weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

Thus, deploying AI and ML-based physical security solutions, biometric authentication, advanced video analytics, and IoT-based physical security solutions can enhance the security of an installation. However, these solutions have limitations and challenges that must be addressed. It is important to keep these solutions updated and maintained regularly and integrate them with other security measures and policies. Regular audits and assessments of the security system can also help identify and address any weaknesses or vulnerabilities. By taking a comprehensive approach to physical security, organizations can minimize the risk of security breaches and ensure the safety and security of their personnel and assets.

The role of light in implementing physical security solutions varies depending on the specific technology being used. However, in general, light is important for providing clear images and footage for surveillance cameras and other sensors. Good lighting conditions can improve the accuracy of facial recognition and other biometric authentication technologies. Advanced video analytics systems also rely on good lighting to accurately identify objects and people within footage. In some cases, specialized lighting systems may be used to enhance the performance of these technologies, such as infrared lighting for cameras used in low-light environments.



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