Employers look for Military Talent. Are you Corporate ready? - Getjobsandskills


Employers look for Military Talent. Are you Corporate ready?

Author: The author, Lieutenant Col Amit Sharma, SM, is a President-awarded veteran working in operational logistics, facility management, corporate affairs, and physical & corporate security functions, as well as technical convergence. He provides strategic advisory and solutions at all levels of management functions in a consulting role. Lieutenant Col Amit Sharma is available for designing and implementing anti-fraud strategies.

Why Corporate hire Soldiers?

The following soldiers qualities are valued by the employers:

  1. Soldiers are latent entrepreneurs. Like owners, they possess qualities such as self-efficacy, need for achievement, no supervision, are comfortable with uncertainty and make good decisions under pressure.
  2. They are not looking for recognition. They have lived on the best. They do however, need an orientation, to understand the basic tenants of corporate security, frauds, safety which all fall under the realms of security.
  3. Integrity is a value instilled in service members from the start. As also, soldiers bring a strong organizational commitment and loyalty to a civil workplace.
  4. The first casualty of war is the plan. Soldiers pride themselves on their ability to thrive in chaos. They learn to make do with what they have, wherever they are.
  5. Soldiers are adept at working with new and emerging technologies, learning to use them proficiently and can transfer the skills they acquire to new areas of expertise, even if those areas are incongruent from their original training.
  6. Inherent resiliency is the result of the military experience, enhancing their abilities to adapt and grow from failures more quickly and completely.
  7. Soldiers have a higher understanding of cultural sensitivity. They understand the practical ways to manage behaviors and thus make good leaders.
  8.  They know how policies and procedures empower an organization to exist.

Preparation for Resettlement

While preparing for the second career option, a soldier must plan well and consider all the options which gives him and his family the desired satisfaction levels. He should build adequate corpus to sustain without a job for two years, that is one should possess a minimum bank liquidity of 24 months’ salary. It is advised do settle all the loans before leaving the forces. Better not to commute if leaving young. A soldier must obtain corporate orientation by attending Directorate General Resettlement (DGR) resettlement courses. He should also obtain knowledge about his interests through online courses one year before leaving. Some of the options for resettlement are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.

Migration to other Countries

  1. Trust government agencies only while planning to migrate.

    It is generally a good idea to trust government agencies when it comes to matters related to migration, as they are responsible for enforcing immigration laws and policies that govern the movement of people across borders. Government agencies typically have access to the most up-to-date information about immigration rules and regulations, and can provide valuable guidance and assistance to individuals who are planning to migrate. The reasons why you might want to trust government agencies when planning to migrate:

    • Legitimacy: Government agencies are legitimate institutions that have been established to help regulate the movement of people across borders. They have the authority to grant visas, issue permits, and enforce immigration laws, which means they are in the best position to provide accurate and reliable information about the migration process.
    • Expertise: Government agencies often employ experts in immigration law and policy, who are well-versed in the latest rules and regulations related to migration. They can help you navigate the complex process of applying for visas, completing paperwork, and meeting other requirements that may be necessary for successful migration.
    • Resources: Government agencies have access to a wide range of resources, including databases, information networks, and international partnerships, which can help them provide more comprehensive and up-to-date information to individuals who are planning to migrate.
    • Protection: Government agencies are responsible for protecting the rights and interests of migrants, and can help ensure that they are not subject to exploitation or abuse by employers or other individuals. They can also provide assistance in cases of emergency or crisis.

    It is important to exercise caution and do your own research when planning to migrate, and to be aware of potential scams or fraudulent activities. However, in general, government agencies can be a valuable resource for individuals who are looking to migrate, and can provide helpful guidance and support throughout the process.

  2. Consider your, your spouse and your child’s age before Migrating to other Countries.

    When considering migrating to other countries, it is important to take into account the age of yourself, your spouse, and your child, as it can have significant implications for your immigration process and the overall success of your relocation. Here are a few reasons why age should be considered:

    • Age restrictions: Some countries have age restrictions on immigration. For example, certain visa programs may have an age limit that you must meet to qualify. In some cases, these limits may differ depending on whether you are the primary applicant or a dependent, so it is important to research these restrictions beforehand.
    • Job opportunities: Your age may affect your ability to find suitable employment in your new country. Some industries may favor younger employees, while others may value experience and prefer older workers. Additionally, some countries have laws that prohibit age discrimination in the workplace, while others do not.
    • Education: If you have children, their age may affect their ability to adapt to a new education system. Younger children may have an easier time adjusting to new surroundings, while older children may struggle to adapt to a new language and culture.
    • Health care: Older individuals may require more healthcare services than younger individuals. It is important to consider the availability and cost of healthcare services in your new country, as well as the quality of care provided.
    • Cultural adjustment: Age can also affect how well you and your family adjust to a new culture. Younger individuals may be more adaptable and open to new experiences, while older individuals may have more established habits and routines that are difficult to change.
  3. Lastly, do not forget to take the service clearance if you under a liability.

Planning to Stay in India

  1. Seeking Employment in Government or PSUs
    • Do follow the DGR portal for the recurring advertisement.
    • Remain in contact with the District Soldier Boards to remain abreast of the vacancies for the soldiers in the state.
    • Avail the facilities of the service placement nodes in your region and register with them.
  2. Entrepreneurship
    • Military precision’ is used to denote the accuracy and meticulous plans. The military is associated with getting their work portion done even when under no supervision. Soldiers are used to that kind of discipline. Establishing successful business ventures is no different. Businesses often have different facets that require your attention as an entrepreneur. Soldiers can transfer the discipline, and the work ethics learned in the forces to the business.
    • DGR empanelment offers an excellent opportunity to develop entrepreneurship skill. Having been successful with DGR, self-employment can thereafter be resorted to. Whatever business one does, the venture should not violate the payment receiving cycle of 45 days.
  3. Seek employment in the corporate sector
    • Do not undervalue yourself in hurry, keep meeting the owners of mid-size firms. Get in a foot hold here and negotiate well as you move up the corporate ladder.
    • Identify a town  for choosing your place of work. It should have adequate number of industries to offer you a decent living. Preferably, it should be near to your hometown.
    • Enough free material is available for cracking the interviews. Do you need our assistance, you can register on the Risk Jobs Portal  https://getjobsandskills.com/ and avail our mock interview services.
    • Make a one-page resume of your capabilities without revealing much as people have difficulty in understanding the military terminologies as they aren’t exposed to them. Do you need our assistance, you can register on the Risk Jobs Portal https://getjobsandskills.com/ and avail our resume building services.
    • Guard against paying to firms offering immediate job solution. They will earn from you and leave you in middle of nowhere. You can also avail the DGR resume building services. There are companies which run veteran hiring platforms. Do apply on the company portals directly. They advertise jobs exclusively for the military talent.
    • Avoid undergoing exorbitant online certifications which do not give practical exposure. Work around with your present capabilities. Enhance them with certifications which give a practical exposure. People outside lack the kind of discipline, straightforwardness and the values that the military system offer. You have an edge there and here lies your strength.
  4. Your own clarity is advised on the following aspects
    • Understand the phase of life you are in.
    • What to do or what should be your second career option ?
    • Your knowledge, skills in the field you plan to settled down for.
    • Plan a value addition to them by authentic certifications which gives a practical exposure.
    • How do you the plan to beat the competitors?
    • Develop references and connects.
    • Full support of your spouse is needed. As because of the uncertainties, she has to remain steadfast with you on the home front.
    • If she is qualified, let her pick up a job.
    • Plan sustenance for prolonged period.
    • Guide your resettlement towards profitability by planning to the last detail, your decision should be a gain for the family and not a loss. It should increase the happiness quotient.

Cheer up!

Remember that, out of the 45 presidents of the United States of America (USA), 29 had military experience. Military professionals bring a range of skills and experiences to the civil and corporate sector that can be highly valuable in addressing challenges related to security, investigation, intelligence, Geographic Information System (GIS), logistics, and Information Technology (IT).

  1. All military professionals are trained in a range of security-related disciplines, including physical security, cybersecurity, and risk management. They have experience in threat assessment, risk mitigation, and emergency response planning, all of which can be highly valuable in corporate security operations.
  2. Specialized ones  are skilled in collecting and analyzing intelligence, both human and technical. They have experience in developing and executing intelligence-gathering strategies, as well as in interpreting and disseminating intelligence to decision-makers. This skill can be highly valuable in corporate risk management and competitive intelligence. They are highly trained in investigative techniques and have experience in conducting complex investigations, including those related to fraud, corruption, and other forms of wrongdoing. They are skilled in collecting and analyzing data, conducting interviews, and presenting findings in a clear and concise manner.
  3. Few have experience in using GIS for mission planning and situational awareness. GIS can also be highly valuable in corporate logistics, real estate management, and market analysis.
  4. Military professionals often have technical expertise in areas such as logistics, supply chain management, and engineering. This knowledge can be applied in the corporate sector to help develop and implement efficient and effective processes.
    • Army Supply  and Ordinance Corps personnel are highly skilled in logistics, including supply chain management, transportation, and inventory control. They are trained in developing and executing logistics plans under adverse conditions, which can be highly valuable in the corporate sector.
    • They often have experience in managing and securing complex IT systems, including those related to communications, intelligence, and logistics. They are skilled in developing and executing IT strategies, as well as in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues.
    • Military operations are often complex, large-scale projects that require meticulous planning and execution. Military professionals have experience in project management, including developing project plans, managing timelines, and monitoring progress.
  5. The soldiers are trained to adapt to changing circumstances and be flexible in their approach to problem-solving. This ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances can be invaluable in the corporate sector, where unforeseen challenges can arise.

In addition to these skills, military professionals also bring a range of intangible qualities to the corporate sector, including leadership, discipline, and resilience. These qualities can be highly valuable in addressing challenges related to volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), where the ability to adapt and respond quickly is essential. Do lend ears to the following wisdom offered by soldiers now absorbed in the civil stream and are doing exceedingly well:

  • Jobs are available, people are waiting to give you jobs.
  • Soldiers excel: set your goal and work towards it.
  • You just need a right opportunity.
  • You are diverse specialty person.
  • You are good at multitasking.
  • Civil street is not as bad or hard.
  • You are overqualified as far as age/service and experience in concerned.
  • Utilize your study leave.
  • Prepare to sustain yourself for one year. You cannot bank on interests on securities.
  • Go for what suits: home on to a vertical.
  • Skills secondary, contacts and connections are important.
  • Get in touch with course mates in civil stream.
  • Have strong network with veterans.
  • Do complete the DGR courses, and then leave the services.
  • Reorient quickly.
  • Ideally, leave forces with an appointment letter in hand. Recruiters pick up people while they are in jobs. Try finding good recruiters.
  • Get in direct communication with corporate handles.
  • At 48 years also you will not be late.
  • Shed inhibitions and ego.
  • After doing as above, don’t search for jobs, you will be sought after.

Do not get into a Security and Investigation Pigeonhole-Look beyond….

Does costly Security and Investigation certification by International bodies give teeth to the Skills of a #Military Veteran?

Based on extensive interactions with military veterans, particularly officers settled well in Corporate Industry across the globe, a nuanced analysis reveals compelling reasons why costly Security and Investigation certification by International bodies may not align optimally with their career transitions into the corporate sector. Notably, the limited scope of certifications, primarily concentrated on security management and risk assessment, often fails to fully capitalize on the diverse skill set retiring officers have honed during their service, encompassing #leadership#logistics, and #strategic acumen. This misalignment can inadvertently hinder these veterans from securing roles that harness their multifaceted talents. The inherent specialization within these certifications may #pigeonhole them into a narrow security niche, overlooking their aspirations for broader corporate roles.

Another pivotal consideration is the risk of #overqualification, as retiring military officers frequently possess exemplary #leadership and #management abilities, rendering some entry-level corporate positions incongruous. Industry-specific certifications may offer more relevance and utility in specific sectors, providing specialized knowledge and skills tailored to distinct industries. The veterans also carry invaluable transferable skills that are highly prized in the corporate realm, such as #teamwork#adaptability, and #discipline. Therefore, strategically emphasizing these attributes and illustrating how their military background can be an asset to potential corporate employers may prove more effective than pursuing costly Security and Investigation certification by International bodies certifications.

#Networking is another critical facet of a successful transition, and these certifications may not furnish equivalent networking opportunities compared to industry-specific gatherings.

The #practical, hands-on experience ingrained in military training may not find adequate resonance in these programs which are theory based, potentially leaving retiring officers wanting for real-world application opportunities.

The #financial aspect cannot be overlooked, as the cost of international courses, encompassing registration fees and study materials, can present a substantial hurdle for retiring army officers embarking on civilian life.

A judicious assessment of individual circumstances, and the precise requisites of desired corporate roles is imperative, with alternative pathways that more harmoniously align with veterans skill sets and professional goals warranting careful consideration for a seamless transition into civilian employment. Whether these certifications are primarily for #prestige or #value addition depends on the individual’s career goals.

For veterans considering these certifications, it’s crucial to carefully assess whether the knowledge and skills gained align with their career objectives and whether the investment in time and money will yield meaningful benefits in their chosen field.

Navigating Employment Agreements: Unscrupulous Practices

While the transition itself presents numerous obstacles, the intricacies of employment agreements often prove to be a significant stumbling block. One common issue faced by veterans in India is #misrepresentation in job roles. A veteran might be offered a position as a “Project Manager” but soon discovers that the actual duties are predominantly administrative in nature, lacking the leadership role they expected. Such misrepresentation can be a clear case of fraud and can leave veterans feeling misled and undervalued. Employment agreements often contain clauses that grant employers the authority to unilaterally #alter job roles, compensation, or working conditions. This can lead to a bait-and-switch situation, where the job changes substantially without the veteran’s consent. Without proper safeguards, veterans may find themselves in undesirable situations that can be challenging to rectify. Another stumbling block for veterans in their employment agreements is the inclusion of overly #broad non-compete clauses. These clauses can prohibit veterans from working in any capacity related to their field within a large geographic area for several years. Such restrictions can significantly hinder their ability to find suitable employment and restrict their career mobility. Some employment agreements include #mandatory arbitration clauses that heavily favor the employer. Veterans may find it challenging to seek legal recourse in the event of disputes due to the inherent bias of the arbitration process. This can leave veterans at a significant disadvantage in resolving employment-related issues. In an ideal scenario, employment agreements should provide reasonable notice and cause requirements for terminations. Without these safeguards, veterans are at risk of losing their jobs without warning or justification. This lack of job security can be especially stressful for individuals transitioning from military service. Employment agreements may contain #hidden fees or deductions that can significantly impact overall compensation. These hidden costs can include various charges and expenses not previously discussed during the negotiation process. Veterans, especially those unfamiliar with the nuances of corporate agreements, may overlook these details to their detriment. In some cases, employers may #retaliate against employees, including veterans, who report illegal or unethical activities within the company. This form of retaliation can involve fraudulent justifications for the employee’s termination, making it appear lawful when it is, in fact, a tactic to silence the whistleblower. Veterans may be particularly vulnerable to such practices, given their limited understanding of corporate dynamics. Employment agreements often contain confidentiality and #non-disparagement clauses that prohibit veterans from discussing or reporting workplace issues. This can include instances of discrimination, harassment, or illegal activities. By not reporting such cases, veterans inadvertently become accomplices to unethical practices within the workplace.

Transitioning military veterans must navigate a complex landscape of employment agreements, which can often be fraught with pitfalls and deceptive clauses. The contrast between civilians who may negotiate these agreements with ease and veterans who might lack the understanding to deal with these complexities is stark. It’s crucial for veterans to thoroughly review their employment agreements before signing, and if they encounter any of the issues mentioned in the blog, they should seek legal advice promptly. An experienced attorney can assess the specific circumstances, provide guidance on the available legal remedies, and advocate for the veteran’s rights and interests in a professional setting.

Accepting your salary in cash can have legal and financial implications, and it is generally not recommended as it can be problematic.

Paying and receiving salary in cash may violate legal and tax regulations. Both employers and employees have legal obligations to report income and pay taxes. Transactions in cash can be harder to trace and may lead to legal issues if discovered by tax authorities. Cash payments often lack proper documentation, making it difficult for employees to prove their income or benefits in case of disputes, claims, or when applying for loans, visas, or other official documents. Accepting salary in cash might be perceived as an attempt to evade taxes, which can lead to legal penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Cash payments do not provide the same level of financial security as bank transactions. There’s a risk of theft, loss, or mismanagement when dealing with physical cash, and it may not be insured. When you receive your salary in cash, it can be challenging to maintain a consistent record of income, which is essential for financial planning, budgeting, and future financial stability. Many organizations in India require employees to have a bank account for salary disbursements. This is not only for the convenience of electronic transfers but also for complying with labor and tax regulations. In an effort to reduce corruption and the informal economy, the government has encouraged electronic transactions and discouraged cash transactions in various aspects of daily life, including salary payments.

Thus it is advisable to receive your salary through legitimate and documented means, such as electronic bank transfers or checks, to ensure compliance with tax and labor laws, maintain a clear financial record, and protect your legal interests. If you have concerns or questions about your salary payments, it’s recommended to discuss them with your employer, and if necessary, seek legal or financial advice to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

It is generally recommended that employers use formal payroll methods and comply with relevant employment and tax laws to protect the rights and interests of both parties. Additionally, employers should prioritize ethical and equitable agreements to foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment for veterans making the transition to civilian life.


Exploring the National Pension Scheme (NPS): A Prudent Step Towards Secure Financial Future

The National Pension Scheme (NPS), has emerged as a key player in the realm of retirement planning and tax-saving instruments in India. For individuals contemplating their financial futures, the NPS offers a plethora of benefits that are worth considering. This article aims to shed light on the various facets of the NPS and its potential advantages. At first glance, one might assume that the NPS is solely beneficial for those who lack a pension plan. However, this is not entirely accurate. While individuals with pensions might not inherently require an NPS subscription, the scheme can be strategically leveraged as a tax-saving tool. For instance, individuals with diverse deductions like House Rent Allowance (HRA), substantial additional allowances related to fieldwork, or significant home loan interest (exceeding ₹2 lakhs) could find the NPS advantageous in reducing their tax liability. For a more comprehensive analysis of whether the NPS is suitable for additional tax savings, especially starting from the Financial Year 2023-24, it’s recommended to engage in personalized discussions to evaluate your financial situation. Collaborating with financial experts can help tailor the NPS to your specific needs. For corporate employees who won’t receive a pension, a minimum annual subscription of ₹50,000 to the NPS is advisable. The optimal contribution beyond this threshold can be determined based on individual financial goals and the desired corpus. For individuals in the 30% tax bracket, investing ₹50,000 in the NPS can translate into a maximum tax savings of ₹15,700 in a single Financial Year. This substantial tax relief can make a significant impact on one’s financial planning. The NPS offers flexibility in investment allocation. The funds are categorized into Equity, Government Bonds, Corporate Debt, and Alternative Investment Funds. Investors can allocate their funds according to their preferences and risk appetite, thereby creating a diversified portfolio that aligns with their financial goals. While considering NPS participation, opening a Tier 1 account is the recommended route. This account type facilitates investment accumulation and restricts withdrawals until retirement age, promoting disciplined saving habits. The choice of fund manager is an essential decision. Options like Birla Sunlife, HDFC, ICICI, Kotak Mahindra, LIC, Reliance, SBI, and UTI offer varying returns. As rankings fluctuate over time, selecting a fund manager should be based on personal preferences and comprehensive research. The decision between active and auto choice for asset allocation hinges on risk appetite. Opting for the active choice, with a 75% equity exposure, can potentially yield favorable results. This dynamic approach aligns with risk tolerance and long-term financial aspirations. One of the most significant questions revolves around when one can access their NPS investments. Upon reaching the age of 60, investors can withdraw up to 60% of their corpus. The remaining amount is received as a taxable pension, ensuring financial security throughout one’s lifetime. Although the tax-saving component might diminish over time due to changes in exemptions and deductions, it’s prudent to continue NPS contributions until age 60. This commitment ensures that a secure retirement corpus is amassed, even in the absence of significant tax benefits. The NPS is a versatile tool that extends beyond a simple pension plan. With its potential for tax savings, diversified investment options, and strategic asset allocation, it offers a compelling avenue for securing one’s financial future. Before embarking on an NPS journey, conducting thorough research and seeking advice from financial experts is paramount.

  1. https://www.forconstructionpros.com/business/labor-workforce-development/article/21821510/7-reasons-why-you-should-hire-military-veterans-to-your-crew
  2. https://www.military.com/history/29-american-presidents-from-military.html#:~:text=Nonetheless%2C%20out%20of%20the%2045,US%20Department%20of%20Veterans%20Affairs.
  3. https://dgrindia.gov.in/Content2/job-assistance/job-for-jcos-or
  4. https://dgrindia.gov.in/Content1/job-assistance
  5. https://www.exarmynaukri.com/APA/WEB/common/index.jsp
  6. https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/why-veterans-make-great-entrepreneurs/355164
  7. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/company/corporate-trends/armed-forces-veterans-show-true-mettle-as-corporate-leaders/articleshow/102862597.cms?from=mdr

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